All about AILET 2016 Analysis

National Law University (NLU), Delhi exclusively conducts AILET every year on the first Sunday of May. In 2016, the test gave respite to the candidates as it was easier as compared to previous years. It had five sections with 150 questions in total. The total duration of the test was 1 hour and 30 minutes. This pen and paper test has an advantage of no negative marking. The candidates who crack AILET become eligible to pursue B.A.L.L.B. (Hons.), L.L.M and Ph.D. Degree Programmes purely on the merit basis. There are 80 seats in B.A.L.L.B course, 20 in L.L.M and 10 Ph.D. seats. The overall level of difficulty of the test ranged between easy to moderate.

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AILET 2016: Sectional Overview

The following table gives you the sectional overview of AILET 2016:

Area Total Questions/ Marks Level of Difficulty
English 35 Easy
General Knowledge 35 Easy
Legal Aptitude 35 Difficult
Reasoning 35 Moderate
Elementary Mathematics 10 Moderate
Total 150  

The detailed section-wise analysis of AILET 2016 is as follows:

Legal Aptitude
Question Type No. of Questions
Principle-Fact 13
Assertion-Reason 7
Legal Facts/Legal G.K 10

Break-Up of Legal Section - The table given below explains the weightage given to various areas in the legal aptitude section:

Area No. of Questions
Constitution 10
Law of Torts 3
Contract 2
Legal Misc. 8
Legal G.K 12
Total 35

EVALUATION: In addition to the usually asked principle-fact and legal fact/legal G.K questions, AILET 2016 had a handful of assertion-reason questions. The subject of Indian Penal Code was given a complete miss this year. This was in contrast to the 2015 trend where Indian Penal Code had dominated the paper's scheme. Another shift in trend can be deciphered from the fact that AILET 2016's legal aptitude section carried a considerable number of principle-fact questions from the subject of Constitution. The legal G.K questions tested a student's awareness of current affairs. AILET 2016 can be safely concluded as the toughest exam so far, and the average attempt in the legal aptitude section can be pitched at 25-28.

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General Knowledge
Area No. of Questions
Static GK 13
Current Affairs 22

The table given below explains the weightage given to various areas in the general knowledge section:

Areas Current GK Static GK Total
Govt. Schemes and Policies 4 3 7
Banking 2 1 3
Culture 3 1 4
Environment   1 1
Economy 3 3 6
Geography Introduction   1 1
Indian Geography 1   1
Internal Affairs 2   2
International Organization 5 1 6
Science and Technology   2 2
Sports 1   1
Miscellaneous 1   1
Total 22 13 35

Evaluation: GK and Current Affairs proved to be a cake walk for most of the AILET aspirants as majority of the questions were easy to attempt. Though five questions were very difficult and another ten questions were very laborious and required in- depth knowledge; other questions were easy to attempt. The test- takers who were regular in updating their general awareness could answer these questions easily.

All the candidates who were thorough with their preparation would be able to score 30-33 in this area as 26-28 is a very competitive score for getting into the top ranks.

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Area No. of Questions
Reading Comprehension 9
Phrasal Verbs 3
Cloze Test 5
One word Substitution 1
Grammar based questions 3
Find Odd One out 5
Sentence Completion 9
Total 35

Evaluation: The Verbal section of AILET 2016 was easy to moderate. There were 35 questions in total. Out of these 35 questions, nine sentence completion blanks were mainly filled with preposition and tenses usage. Approximately, five questions were based on cloze test i.e. fill in the blanks in a paragraph, the level of which was easy. There were three difficult questions based on the usage of phrasal verbs.

The main highlights of this section were: 3 questions based on Grammar related to identification of different parts of speech. If you understand rules of grammar thoroughly, it may surely help you in solving all the questions easily. There was one reading comprehension with nine questions which was based on the changing structure of rural labor market. Another five questions were based on finding odd one out and were difficult in nature.

In order to score well in verbal section, you must have good level of vocabulary and must be able to analyze the situations well in order to score well in verbal reasoning. Accuracy played a very important role in this exam as there was negative marking.

Elementary Mathematics
Area No. of Questions
Profit and Loss 2
Time and Work 1
Speed, Distance and Time 3
Sets 1
Ratio 1
SI & CI 1
Probability 1
Total 10

Evaluation: The overall level of difficulty of this section was moderate as compared to previous year where the level was easy to attempt. However, this year almost every topic was touched, ranging from profit and loss, speed, distance and time to ratio and proportion, probability. It was expected that all those test takers who managed time well, managed to score well.

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Area No. of Questions
AR 14
Clock & Calendar 2
Alphanumeric 4
Verbal and Critical Reasoning 10
Situational Based 5
Total 35

Evaluation: There were 10 questions based on verbal and critical reasoning. All these 10 questions were based on inference, assumption, strengthen or weaken the conclusion, and other conventional critical reasoning types. There were another 5 questions based on a situation in the form of a paragraph. All 15 questions were tricky. The remaining questions were of moderate level of difficulty. A score of 25-28 could be considered a fairly decent score.

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