SET Law 2015 Analysis

Symbiosis Entrance Test for Law (SET-Law) 2015 was conducted in a paper based mode at various centers across the nation. The paper contained 150 questions from the following areas:
Shiv Nadar Uni.
Logical Reasoning 30
Legal Reasoning 30
Analytical Reasoning 30
Reading Comprehension 30
General Knowledge 30
The total time given for the paper was 150 minutes and there was no negative marking. Let us look at the individual sectional analysis for SET-Law 2015:
1) SET-Law 2015 Legal Reasoning:
The Legal Reasoning section of SET-Law 2015 had the following type of questions:
Question Type No. of questions
Principle-fact 15
Legal Fact 12
Legal GK 2
Assertion Reason 1
Subject-wise Breakup of the Legal Reasoning Section:
Subject Area No. of questions
Constitution 9
Contract 6
Indian Penal Code 5
Torts 9
Legal Misc. 1
Level of Difficulty: Moderate
Evaluation: The principle fact questions figured predominantly in the question paper, followed by questions based on legal facts. The analysis brings out the fact that Constitution and Law of Torts are important in ensuring an above average attempt as far as the principle fact questions are concerned. As an aspirant, you should not have spent more than 30-35 minutes on this section.
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2) SET-Law 2015 Logical Reasoning:
The Logical Reasoning section of SET-Law 2015 had questions from the following areas:
Topic No. of questions
Logical arrangements 6
Logical arguments 5
Assertion Reason 4
Logical inference 2
Odd one out 3
Proportions 2
Coding 2
Syllogism 1
Number series 1
Area questions 1
Ranking 1
Diagram deduction 1
Analogies 1
Total 30
Level of difficulty: Moderate
Evaluation: The questions in this section tested the candidates on their basic understanding of the concepts. Questions from areas like coding, syllogisms, assertion reason and proportions were very easy and could have saved a lot of time. Logical arrangements and arguments had the maximum weightage in this section and conceptual clarity with ample practice was required to solve these questions effectively.
3) SET-Law 2015 Analytical Reasoning:
The Analytical Reasoning section of SET-Law 2015 had questions from the following areas:
Topic No. of questions
Coding & Decoding 3
Blood relations 4
Cause & effect 3
Series 3
Probability 2
Ratio & proportions 2
Calendar 2
Clocks 2
Number system 1
Age questions 1
Profit & loss 1
Percentage 1
Time & work 1
Time Speed Distance 1
Logical Actions 2
Mixtures & Allegations 1
Total 30
Level of Difficulty: Easy to moderate
Evaluation: The major areas of Analytical reasoning from which questions were asked were coding & decoding, blood relations, series and cause & effect. Maximum questions in this section were "easy"; hence, candidates could have solved 25-27 questions with maximum effectiveness. Fundamental knowledge of the concepts was sufficient to score well in this section.
4) SET-Law 2015 Reading Comprehension:
The Reading Comprehension section of SET-Law 2015 had questions as follows:
Topic No. of questions
Reading Comprehension (RC) 24
Grammar based 2
Idioms & Phrases 4
Level of Difficulty: Moderate
Evaluation: The Reading Comprehensions were a good mixture of passages ranging from easy, moderate to tough. With a good reading speed, you could easily attempt all the questions. Not more than 6 minutes should have been spent on each RC passage. The other questions from grammar and idioms were fairly easy. Most of the passages were from legal context, discussions, social issues and newspaper columns. Hence, reading the newspaper regularly would be beneficial for aspirants.
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5) SET-Law 2015 General Knowledge:
The General Knowledge section of SET-Law 2015 had questions as follows:
Area No. of questions
Current 12
Static 18
Area Wise Analysis of General Knowledge Section:
SET Law: Static GK
Area No. of questions
History 1
Polity 3
S&T 1
Geography 4
Art & Culture 3
Sports 2
Miscellaneous 4
SET Law: Current GK
Area No. of questions
Current 2
International 4
Polity 2
Awards/Personality 3
Miscellaneous 1
CLAT Scholarship
Level of Difficulty: Easy to moderate
Evaluation: SET Law 2015 had around 40% questions from current affairs, which means that this section should not be ignored. The best way to prepare Current Affairs is to read newspaper daily. An easy attempt would be of 18-20 questions. Not more than 10 minutes should have been spent on this section.
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