SET Law 2017 Analysis

SET-Law is conducted once every year by Symbiosis International University (SIU) for admission into undergraduate law programs at Symbiosis Law School Campuses at Pune, Noida and Hyderabad. SET-Law this year was held across 21 centers nationally on the 6th May, 2017. The total intake for all three campuses is roughly 720 seats for the undergraduate courses B.B.A.L.L.B. and B.A. L.L.B.
This article aims to discuss the various question types that came in this years’ paper, their difficulty level and achievable score. The exam was conducted for 150 mins (2hr. 30 mins) in a pen-paper mode i.e. offline mode. There were a total of 150 questions from 5 sections: Logical Reasoning, Legal Reasoning, Analytical Reasoning, Reading Comprehension, and General Knowledge. Each section had equal weightage with respect to number of questions (30 each) and marks. Each correct answer was awarded with +1 mark and there was no negative marking.
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Logical Reasoning section:
The division of questions in logical reasoning section is as follows:
Question Type Number of Questions
Logical Reasoning 2
Coding and Decoding 1
Probability 1
Relations 1
Directions 1
Series 3
Syllogism 4
Statement Assumption 5
Cause Effect 7
Statement Conclusion 4
Statement Argument 4
Misc. 1
Total 30
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This section was a mix bag of different question types with verbal reasoning and its various types being a predominant through the section.
Legal Reasoning:
Following are the areas and question type that appeared in SET-Law 2017

Subject Name

Number of Questions

Law of Torts


Indian Penal Code


Law of Contract




Legal Misc




Question Type Number of Questions
Assertion-Reason 4
Situation(Fact) Based 13
Match the Column 1
Principal-Fact (Legal Reasoning) 3
Legal Fact 9
Total 30
This section was based more on legal reasoning and was very easy. There were around 13 questions where in facts or situation was given without a related legal principle. However 3 questions from the legal reasoning section were given along with a related legal principle. Students who had a sound knowledge of common legal principles would have found them very easy. 4 question were assertion-reason based. A fair share of questions was designed to test the legal fact knowledge of the aspirants.
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Analytical Reasoning:
Following is the division of the questions:
Question Type Number of Questions
Bar diagram 1
Odd man out 2
Coding and Decoding 3
Probability 1
Analytical Reasoning 4
Ages 1
Series 1
Pie chart 1
Tables 3
Venn Diagram 2
Clocks 1
Directions 1
Profit and Loss 1
Number system 1
Misc. 4
Verbal Reasoning 3
Total 30
Although the name of the section was analytical reasoning but it had some questions from data interpretation as well as mathematics.
Reading Comprehension:
Question Type Number of Questions
Synonyms 3
Antonyms 1
Meaning 4
Passage based 22
Total 30
Overall feel of the reading comprehension section was easy. The passages were of short length as usual and were based on variety of areas such as legal, sociology, business, environment etc.
General Knowledge:
Question Type Number Of Question
 Govt. Schemes & Policy 3
Environment 1
International & National Org. 2
Science & Technology 5
Indian History 1
Economy 2
Miscellaneous 4
Finance 2
Current Affairs 2
World Geography 1
Indian Geography 3
Indian Polity 1
Awards & Honours 1
Book, Author, Art, Culture 2
Total 30
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Section Level of difficulty, Time & Accuracy
Logical Reasoning The overall level of the section was easy to moderate. The ideal time to solve the section is 25 – 27 minutes and the achievable score was 20–23.
Legal Reasoning The overall difficulty level of the section was easy to moderate. The average expected score in the legal aptitude section would be 23-25.
Analytical Reasoning The level was moderate to difficult. Ideal time to solve the section is 35-40 minutes and the ideal score is 20-22 with 80% accuracy.
Reading Comprehension All the passages could have been attempted easily within 30 minutes. As the questions were direct and easy so a score of 25+ is good.
General Knowledge The level of this section was moderate to difficult. Ideal time to solve the section is 10-15 minutes and the ideal score would be 19-21.
After the declaration of results, candidates are shortlisted for the next round i.e. essay writing and interview. The final admission is offered on the basis of composite scores of all the rounds. You can check out the following link to know more about and prepare for the essay writing and interview round.
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