Strategy to Crack the SLAT GK

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The SLAT GK section is one of the most challenging sections of this popular exam. Many bright candidates struggle in the SLAT GK section due to its vast syllabus and unfamiliarity with the subject. This section is a ' make or break' section, causing a number of deserving applicants to miss a seat in their dream college each year.
The SLAT GK has 12 questions (out of a total of 60 questions) and constitutes equal weightage in the exam. It is a mix of questions from Current Affairs and Static GK. However, the trend with respect to GK can change any year. Thus, you will do well to go prepared with both Static and Current GK.
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Why is GK Important for SLAT?
GK-based questions, due to their inherent nature provide you with certain distinct advantages:
1.Better Accuracy: Since GK questions are factual; there is little or no scope of confusion on your part! However, this is true only if you do not indulge in blind guesswork.
2.Better Time Management: The GK section is highly time-efficient, as there is no calculation-work and analysis involved. You can use this to your advantage by allocating more time to other sections of the examination, like Logical Reasoning, Analytical Reasoning, and Reading Comprehension.
SLAT GK Previous Year's Analysis:
Current V/S Static
Area 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Current 12 14 12 7 18 21
Static 18 16 18 23 12 9
Total 30 30 30 30 30 30
SLAT GK Area Wise Analysis
SLAT : Static GK
Area 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
History 1 - 1 3 1  
Economy 1 - - -    
Polity 6 4 3 3 2  
S&T 1 1 1 1 3 2
Geography 3 3 4 3 2  
Art and Culture 1 2 3 3 1  
Sports - 2 2 1   3
Miscellaneous 5 4 4 6 3 4
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SLAT : Current GK
Area 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Current Events 4 1 2 - 2  
International and National Org./ Events 3 6 4 1 7 8
Polity 4 3 2 - 1  
Awards and Personalities 1 3 3 - 3 13
Miscellaneous - 1 1 4 5  
Books, Authors, Art, Culture - - - 2 -  
As you can see from the table above, there is no discernible exam pattern that indicates the favorite areas of SLAT  paper. However, certain areas like Polity, Geography, International News, Awards and personalities and Miscellaneous need special focus on SLAT GK section.
SLAT  GK: Previous Year Questions
Let us look at some questions from previous year SLAT  GK section to understand the nature, type and difficulty levels of such questions:
1. The first monorail of India was started in which city? Mumbai
2. Name the CEO of Microsoft? Satya Narayana Nadella
3. Who was the director of the movie 'Life of Pi'? Ang Lee
4. Which Indian State is not connected on the Railway Network? Meghalaya
5. Which country recently joined the Euro Zone? Latvia
6. When is the Commonwealth Day celebrated? 24th May
7. The Subordinate civil court is headed by? Senior Civil Judge
8. The doctrine of 'Rule of Law' was propounded by? A V Dicey
9. Baikonur Cosmodrome is in which country? Kazakhstan
10. What three events does a 'Triathlon' have? Swimming, Cycling, and Marathon
 As you can see, most of the questions are of relatively easy level as compared to CLAT and AILET. A balanced approach towards GK preparation will make this section a cakewalk for you!
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SLAT  GK: Preparation Strategy
1) Static GK:
Although the syllabus is very vast, the questions from this section are relatively easy. You can easily attempt around 90% of Static General Knowledge questions, if you plan your preparation in an intelligent manner. Topics of static GK should be covered from good and reliable sources. You should not study books randomly and cover to cover. Preparation materials given by your mentor / coaching institutes and books like Lucent's GK, TMH and India Year Book are some of the good sources you can refer for preparing this section.
2) Current Affairs:
SLAT  paper consists of various questions from this section, which means that this section should not be ignored. The best way to prepare Current Affairs is to read newspaper daily. Newspapers like The Hindu, The Indian Express, etc. provide reliable information. Regional or vernacular newspapers should be avoided. Apart from newspaper, magazines also play a significant part in providing you information in an organized and structured way. Chronicle, Pratiyogita Darpan, Competition Success Review, etc., are some of the good magazines you can consider while preparing your Current Affairs section of SLAT .
Attempting the SLAT GK Section
Ideally, you should not spend more than 10 minutes on this section. This will allow you to allocate more time for other time-consuming sections. Further, we advise you to follow a 3-cycle method of attempting this section:
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Cycle 1
  • Identify the very easy questions and mark their answers
  • Identify and mark the questions, which you think you can attempt i.e. you feel that if you spend more time on such questions, you may be able to guess the correct answer.
  • Identify the questions, which you think you CANNOT attempt i.e. question about which you have no idea. These questions are best left untouched.
Cycle 2
In the second cycle, mark the answers of maximum possible questions that you have identified in Step (2) of Cycle 1 through intelligent guessing using option elimination. For instance, if you are confidently able to eliminate 2 options out of 4, we suggest you go ahead and attempt the question.
Cycle 3 Since there is no negative marking for incorrect answers, attempt all the remaining questions in this cycle. Try and eliminate options and select the answer you think is most appropriate.
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