SLAT Preparation Books

Symbiosis Law Schools are the top law schools when it comes to private law varsities in the nation. Symbiosis International University is internationally recognized and students in thousands apply for a couple of hundred seats. When it comes to imparting knowledge in the legal sector, Symbiosis has even been acclaimed and ranked as the nations’ best by the most read political magazine, India Today. So getting an admission and having an opportunity to study in Symbiosis is not just prestigious but also valuable.
For taking the quality education from Symbiosis Law Schools, you will have to qualify the Symbiosis Law Aptitude Test (SLAT). To qualify the SLAT there are premium quality books for the various sections that constitute the Symbiosis law entrance exam and this article will give you the information on the same.
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Take a look at the various sections that make the SLAT entrance exam question paper.
No. of Questions
Logical Reasoning
Legal Reasoning
Analytical Reasoning
Reading Comprehension
General Knowledge
Shiv Nadar Uni.
1. The topics that are constituted in the SLAT Logical Reasoning section are:-
  1. Statement Assumptions
  2. Statement Arguments (Strong & Weak Arguments)
  3. Verbal reasoning (course of action)
  4. Number test
  5. Series test
  6. Coding and Decoding
  7. Questions on relations
  8. Logical Puzzles
  9. Critical Reasoning
  10. Odd one out
The quality books to read for preparing the SLAT Logical Reasoning is:-
  • Modern Approach to Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning by RS Aggarwal
2. The topics that constitute the SLAT Legal Reasoning are:-
  1. Constitutional Law
  2. Indian Penal Code
  3. Law of Torts
  4. Indian Contract Act
  5. Family Law
  6. Legal Misc. (Intellectual Property Rights, Labour Laws, etc.)
The quality books to read for preparing the SLAT Legal Reasoning are:-
  • Legal Awareness and Legal reasoning by AP Bhardwaj
  • Wileys Exam Expert – legal Awareness by Amandeep Rajgotra
3. The topics that are constituted in the SLAT Analytical Reasoning section are:-
  1. Number system (square roots)
  2. Verbal reasoning (cause and effect)
  3. Time and work
  4. Permutation and combination
  5. Profit- loss and discount
  6. Ratio and proportion
  7. Number series
  8. Blood relations
  9. Questions on series
  10. Clocks and calendar
  11. Situation based decision making
The quality books to read for preparing the SLAT Analytical Reasoning is:-
  • Analytical reasoning by MK Pandey
4. The topics that are constituted in the SLAT General Knowledge are:-
A. Static GK:
  1. Polity
  2. UN Bodies
  3. History- Ancient, Medieval, Modern and World
  4. Geography
  5. Economics
  6. General Science
  7. Science and technology
  8. Environment
  9. Ecology
CLAT Scholarship
B. Current Affairs:
  1. Events of National and International importance
  2. Banking and the Financial Institutions
  3. Eminent Personalities
  4. Current events in areas of Economics, Science, Sports, Places, Persons
  5. Awards and Honors
  6. Books and Authors
  7. Important Days and Dates
The quality books to read for preparing the SLAT General Knowledge are:-
  • Quick General Knowledge by Disha Experts
  • Self-study Guide for LLB Entrance Exam by Arihant Expert
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