IIM Indore: IPM 2017 Analysis

One of the most sought after undergraduate program in the country, Integrated Program in Management (IPM) is a five year course conducted by Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Indore. Every year IIM, Indore conducts its national level aptitude test in the month of May. This year it was conducted on May 16, 2017. The test is followed by Written Ability Test (WAT) and Personal Interview (PI). The candidates have to clear the overall and sectional cut offs to progress to these rounds. 
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The online IPM- Aptitude Test (AT) was a 2 hour test comprising of 100 objective type questions from the following two sections:
  • Quantitative Ability
  • Verbal Ability
Both these sections carried a total weightage of 400 marks, i.e. 4 marks for every correct answer. Incorrect attempts were penalized with -1 mark. This year, the paper came with a surprise of questions that had more than 1 correct option to choose from. The test takers had an advantage of no negative marking for these questions.
General Overview of IPM 2017
Sections Total Questions Duration
Quantitative Ability 60 75 minutes
Verbal Ability 40 45 minutes
Total 100 120 minutes
Let us now look at the detailed analysis of individual sections:
Section I: Quantitative Ability
The level of difficulty of this section was moderate to difficult. It was on similar lines as of 2016. It contained a total of 60 questions to be completed in 75 minutes. Following is the break- up of this section:
  • Out of total 60 questions, 50 questions were option- based.
  • There were 10 questions of TITA type, i.e. ‘Type- in- the- answer’.
  • There were 3 questions where more than one option was correct. 
  • An attempt of 25-30 questions is decent and an attempt of approximately 38 is exceptionally good; with 90 percent accuracy.
Option Based Questions
Areas Total Questions
Complex Numbers 2
Functions 2
Set Theory 3
P&C/ Probability 9
Sequence and Series 4
Geometry 8
Lagarithms 3
Mensuration 3
Speed, Distance and Time 2
Determinants 1
Trigonometry 1
Data Interpretation ( 2 Caselets) 10
Time and Work 2
Total 50
Type - in - the - answers : 10 Questions
Areas Total Questions
Polynomials, Mensuration, Set Theory, P&C 5
Probability and Functions 5
Total 10
Section II: Verbal Ability
The level of difficulty of this section was easy to moderate. A total of 40 questions were to be attempted in 45 minutes. The pattern of this section was similar to that of previous years. Overall, it was not a difficult section and all the 40 questions could have easily been attempted in the time frame of 45 minutes. 
  • An attempt of 34-35 questions is fairly good with 85 percent accuracy.
The area- wise break-up of this section is as follows:
Areas Total Number of Questions
Fill in the blanks (Passage- based) 5
Use of words in sentences 5
Paragraph Completion 2
Paragraph Inference 2
Para Jumbles 3
Grammatical Error 1
Use of Correct words in sentences 5
Use of correct phrases in sentences 5
Reading Comprehension ( 2 Passages, 250 words each)
Opinion Based Questions: 4
Vocabulary & Understanding Based Questions: 4
Fact Based Questions: 4
Total 40
All the candidates who clear the cut- offs become eligible to appear in the next round, i.e. Written Ability Test (WAT) and Personal Interview (PI). The scores are not officially released by IIM Indore, but, they generate a list of short-listed candidates and also send emails to the selected candidates regarding WAT-PI dates.
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