IIM IPMAT Exam Prep Best Books | IPM Exam Books

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Now that the +2 exams are behind you, it is time you gear up for the next challenge, i.e. the national-level competitive exams. The 5-year Integrated Program in Management (IPM) offered by the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Indore and IIM Rohtak is a prestigious program that students compete for after +2. The IIM IPM is known to be one of the most unique and challenging entrance examinations. IIM Indore has total 60 questions with sectional time and -1 as a negative marking for every incorrect answer. Candidates are tested on 30 questions of Quantitative Ability (20 SA and 10 MCQ) and 30 of Verbal Ability. Whereas IPMAT IIM Rohtak has 3 sections -Quantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, and Verbal Ability of 40 questions each to be completed within 120 minutes. For effective preparation for IPMAT, you can consult the following IPM books and maximize your score:
IPM IIM Indore Books
IIM IPM books for Quantitative Ability:
  • Class XI and XII Mathematics by R.D. Sharma
  • Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Exams by R.S. Aggarwal
These IPM books will help you prepare for basic and advanced-level questions and concepts in the IPM aptitude test.
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IIM IPM books for Verbal Ability:
  • Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis
  • Better English by Norman Lewis
  • English Grammar and Composition by Wren and Martin
These IPM books will help you cover a diverse range of topics from Vocabulary to Reading Comprehension, Grammar and so on, asked in the verbal ability section of IPM-AT.
IPM IIM Rohtak Books
IIM IPM books for Quantitative Ability:
  • Quantitative Aptitude for All Competitive Examinations by Abhijit Guha
  • Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examination by RS Aggarwal
  • Fast Track Objective Arithmetic by Arihant Publications
  • NCERT Mathematics Book for 9th and 12th Class by NCERT
IIM IPM books for Verbal Ability:
  • High School English Grammar and Composition by Wren & Martin
  • Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis
  • Objective General English by SP Bakshi
IIM IPM books for Logical Reasoning:
  • A Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning by R.S. Aggarwal
  • How to prepare for Logical Reasoning for the CAT by Arun Sharma
  • Analytical and Logical Reasoning for CAT & other Management Exams by Peeyush Bharadwaj
  • Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation by Nishit K. Sinha
In addition to this, we have curated IPM e-books and study material that cover an exhaustive array of topics and questions for the IPM aptitude test. With well-explained concepts, numerous examples, practice questions and detailed solutions, you would have access to the best resource for effective preparation. You can access the material from IPM Exam Preparation
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IPM Exam Preparation Tips
  • Previous Year Question Papers: Read through at least three or four past papers and try to comprehend them.
  • This activity will assist you in understanding the pattern of questions, particularly in the Verbal Ability portion, and you will be able to revise the relevant points based on the weightage they carry.
  • Understanding Previous Year's Question Papers is the best way to understand the weak areas and work on them.
  • The best thing to do is to take as many mock examinations as possible. Answering as many mock examinations as possible can simulate exam-like settings and allow you to assess how well you will perform on exam day.
Some Important Things to Remember
Identify Strong and Solidify Weak Areas - Strengthen the IPMAT Exam areas in which you excel. Also, as much as feasible, modify weak subjects. Do not fully disregard any subject, and ensure that all themes are covered in the revision.
Time Management with Speed - Time management is essential for test achievement, especially in main examinations. You have adequate time to attempt questions in this test, but a smart time management plan combined with quickness will make you unbeatable.
Short Notes - Make a list of short techniques, Imp formulae, and helpful Quant and English notions. Taking brief notes also allows you to rewrite more quickly.
Mock test - Take a mock test extremely seriously. Analyze your result thoroughly and correct your errors. One golden guideline for success is to learn from your errors.
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