NCHM JEE Analysis 2018

NCHM JEE 2018 exam was conducted on 28th April. A three hours exam, NCHM JEE was conducted from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm across 33 test centers, nationwide. The questions that were in NCHM JEE 2018 were as expected and the test pattern was similar to that of past year's papers. After appearing in the exam students shared that the questions asked were similar to those in the past two year exams of this hotel management entrance exam.
As it is the scenario with the exam each year, the numerical ability section was one of the most difficult sections in comparison to all the other segments of the examination.
In the English section four reading comprehension passages were given which were not at all difficult to be attempted. Overall, the NCHM JEE 2018 exam was easy but the questions that were put forth were in a tricky way, so the aspirants had to read each and every question with a great attention. The cut-offs for the admissions on the basis of NCHM JEE 2018 will be quite similar to that of the previous years.
NCHM JEE Marking scheme
The marking scheme for the NCHM JEE 2018 was as expected and shared by the council. The total number of the questions asked and the maximum weightage of marks that aspirants could secure in the exam is given in the table below:
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Exam Section Total Questions Asked Marks for each correct answer Marks for each incorrect answer
Reasoning and Logical Deduction 30 1 mark for each correct answer 0.25 marks cut for each wrong answer
Numerical Ability and Analytical Aptitude    30   1 mark for each correct answer 0.25 marks deducted for each wrong answer
General Knowledge and Current Affairs 30 1 mark for each correct answer 0.25 marks cut for each wrong answer
Aptitude for Service Sector 50 Graded Marking: 1 mark for most appropriate 0.75 marks for next appropriate answer 0.50 for the next appropriate answer 0.25 marks cut for each wrong answer
English Language            60   1 mark for each correct answer 0.25 marks cut for each wrong answer
TOTAL 200 200
Section-wise analysis of NCHM JEE
On the basis of NCHM JEE 2018 aspirants could take admission in the 21 central institutes of Hotel Management, 22 state government institutes, one Public Sector Undertaking and 14 private institutes of HM affiliated with the National Council for Hotel Management and Catering Technology (NCHMCT). Apart from this, admissions to students are also offered to the 12 Food Craft institutes and 2 SIHM's (running only diploma level programme). All these colleges offer systematized course curriculum as mentioned by the NCHMCT for the various programmes that they offer.
Analysis of numerical ability and analytical aptitude
Basic Mathematics questions, with the maximum difficulty level of matriculation level, were asked in the numerical ability. The questions were mostly of the school level algebra. Some of the topics from which the questions were asked were- Time and Work, Work and Wages, Speed-Time-Distance, Simple Interest, Compound Interest, Investment, Percentage & Laws, Area of Triangles & Rectangles, LCM and HCF, and Ratio and Proportions.
Analysis of the questions asked in reasoning section and logical deduction
This section of NCHM JEE exam encompassed of questions that could be solved by the help of some simple logic. Questions asked in this particular section were equally spread throughout all the topics. The complex questions in this section were of the number series.
Analysis of questions asked in GK and current affairs
Many questions asked in this section were on the major current happenings in India and the world. Some questions were asked on the deals and pacts that were signed between India and China. One question was on, who is the President of China.  Questions were also on the newly formed state of the Indian sub-continent and many were related to the basic demography of India.
Analysis of the English Language section questions
The English section of the exam had questions related to the reading comprehension and vocabulary. There were four reading comprehension passages in the exam which was followed by 4-5 questions. The questions of this section were of intermediate level. Vocabulary questions were on Synonyms, Antonyms, Mark the Correct Sentence, Fill in the Blanks, etcetera.
Analysis of the questions asked in aptitude for service sector section
The aptitude for the service sector section had questions pertaining to the hotel industry and their services. Basically this is the simplest section of the exam but the thing worth paying attention to here is that there is a graded marking of this section and students have to give reason, why they have selected a particular option. Given below are some of the questions asked in this section:
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What will be your reaction if you see a person who has recently met with an accident?
Define your decision making parameters if you were at different posts (like: Receptionist, Housekeeping, Waiter, Manager) in the hospitality industry? 
If a customer misbehaved, how will you react?
How would you make a disabled person feel comfortable?
Generally the NCHM JEE is an easy exam to crack yet it should not be taken casually. Being updated with the current affairs and industry knowledge will certainly make things easy for an aspirant.  With the exam being divided in five sections, the numerical ability and analytical aptitude was the trickiest. It consists of mathematical questions and the number series questions which candidates felt are more difficult than any other section of the exam.  Other sections were, reasoning, GK and current affairs, English Language, and aptitude from the service section, which were moderate to easy. Overall the paper was easy to clear if given with some preparation.
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