NCHM JEE Exam Pattern

In India, IHM’s are the prestigious institutions for imparting quality education in the hospitality and tourism sector. There are 78 institutions in India, which include Central and State institutions, private universities and PSU that participate in NCHM JEE for admissions to undergraduate Hotel Management programs. For access to the reputed institutions, qualifying and getting a good rank in NCHM JEE is mandated for hotel management aspirants. Knowing the exam pattern of the NCHM JEE helps students to prepare and excel in the exam. The NCHM JEE exam pattern is released by the National Testing Agency (NTA), which informs the candidates regarding the marking scheme, the different sections, and the marks distribution of each section.
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Take a look at the various important points that are noteworthy and informs about the NCHM JEE exam pattern.
  • NCHM JEE is a paper consisting of 200 objective type multiple-choice questions.
  • The NCHM JEE question paper is divided into five sections: Numerical Ability and Analytical Aptitude, Reasoning and Logical Deduction, General Knowledge and Current Affairs, English Language and Aptitude for the Service Sector.
  • For every correct answer, 4 marks will be provided to the aspirant, whereas 1 mark is deducted for every incorrect answer in NCHM JEE.
  • NCHM JEE is a 3-hour duration examination conducted in English and Hindi.
NCHM JEE 2024: Key Highlights
National Council of Hotel Management Joint Entrance Test (NCHM JEE)
Exam Mode
Computer-based Test
Number of Papers
Number of Sections
5 (English Language, Numerical Ability, General Knowledge, Reasoning and Logical Deduction, and Aptitude for Service Sector.)
Question Paper Type
MCQ (objective type)
Exam Duration
3 hours
Exam Language
Hindi and English Both
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NCHM JEE Section-wise Marks Distribution
Total questions
Total marks
Numerical Ability and Scientific Aptitude
Reasoning and Logical Deduction
General Language and Current Affairs
English Language
Aptitude for Service Sector
Important Points -
  • The NCHM JEE students should have studied five different subjects with English as a compulsory subject to be studied up to 12th standard.
  • The NCHM JEE examination consists of objective type questions based on the latest syllabus.
  • The type of question in the NCHM JEE varies for each section.  Below are the types of questions covered in all five sections of NCHM JEE.
NCHM JEE Exam Pattern: Section-wise
  1. Numerical Ability and Analytical aptitude-Candidates should prepare topics related to numerical ability. Simple arithmetic and basic mathematics questions are asked in the NCHM JEE Numerical Ability and Analytical aptitude section.
  2. Reasoning and Logical Deduction- Questions in this section are based on simple coding and decoding, number sequence, pictorial reasoning, pattern finding etc.  The aspirants should be calm and focused and use their logical acumen to solve such problems.
  3. General Knowledge and Current Affairs- The questions in the NCHM JEE GK are asked from important events and happenings around the world and the country. Students reading good GK books and newspaper will find the NCHM JEE GK easy to solve.
  4. English Language- Having a good command over English is required for this section. Questions on comprehension, sentence completion, a word with similar meanings, etc., frame the question in the NCHM JEE English section.
  5. Aptitude for Service Sector- In this section, general knowledge related to the HM field is asked, such as chain hotel properties, situation handling, and dealings with different guests in a hotel property. For this section, we suggest the NCHM JEE aspirants go through previous years’ question papers.
NCHM JEE exam pattern is an essential component in the exam preparation for the students. To have a complete understanding of the NCHM JEE Exam Pattern, an aspirant must solve NCHM JEE Mock Tests and Sample Papers to be acquainted with it.
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