NCHMCT JEE Analysis 2023

The NCHMCT JEE 2023 analysis has been updated. The exam successfully took place on 14 May, 2023. NCHMCT JEE 2023 result will be announced in June tentatively. Candidates can check the actual analysis for NCHM JEE 2023 as mentioned on this page below:
NCHMCT JEE 2023 Exam Analysis: An overview
The NCHMCT JEE (National Council of Hotel Management and Catering Technology Joint Entrance Examination) is an annual entrance exam conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) for admission to various hotel management programs offered by colleges and institutions across India.
Here is the exam analysis for NCHMCT JEE based on previous year's trends:
Exam Pattern: The NCHMCT JEE exam consists of 200 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and is conducted in a computer-based format. The exam is divided into five sections - Numerical Ability and Analytical Aptitude, Reasoning and Logical Deduction, General Knowledge and Current Affairs, English Language, and Aptitude for Service Sector.
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Difficulty Level: The overall difficulty level of the NCHMCT-JEE exam is moderate, with a mix of easy, moderate, and difficult questions. The Numerical Ability and Analytical Aptitude section is usually the toughest, followed by the Reasoning and Logical Deduction section.
Time Management: Time management is crucial for success in the NCHMCT JEE exam. Candidates must try to solve the easier questions first and avoid spending too much time on difficult questions.
Expected Cut-Off: The expected cut-off for the NCHMCT JEE exam varies from year to year and depends on factors such as the difficulty level of the exam, the number of candidates who appear for the exam, and the number of seats available in various colleges and institutions. In general, a score of around 60-70% is considered a good score.
Preparation Strategy: To prepare for the NCHMCT JEE exam, candidates should focus on practising previous year's question papers and mock tests, studying relevant study materials, and improving their time management and accuracy skills.
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NCHMCT JEE Exam Analysis 2023: Section-wise difficulty level of question paper
Many aspirants make the mistake of failing to check the NCHM JEE exam difficulty level. Check out the NCHMCT JEE analysis by students and experts below:
Difficulty level
Numerical Ability and Analytical Aptitude
Reasoning and Logical Deduction
General Knowledge & Current Affairs
English Language
Aptitude for Service Sector
Moderate and Easier than last year
NCHMCT JEE is conducted to shortlist aspirants for admission in BSc Hospitality & Hotel Administration as well as nine other structured courses of study that are offered at 21 Central Institutes of Hotel Management, 25 State Government Institutes of Hotel Management, one Public Sector Undertaking and 24 Private Institutes of Hotel Management affiliated with NCHMCT.
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