NCHM JEE 2019 Exam Analysis

NCHM JEE 2019 was conducted on 27th April 2019 by National Testing Agency on behalf of National Council of Hotel Management and Catering Technology. The examination is conducted in the online mode in 49 cities across the nation for admissions in Hotel Management and Hospitality Programmes. The NCHM JEE 2019 was of no big surprise as the marking scheme had already changed and the paper was of moderate level. 
The exam pattern and difficulty level of the exam was the same as of last years, but the marking scheme was different. The NCHM JEE 2019 had a total weightage of 800 marks than NCHM JEE 2018, which had a weightage of 200 marks. The change in the marking scheme had an impact on the level of difficulty as it tended to increase. However, NCHM JEE 2019 was easier than expected, but the level can increase the next time.
NCHM JEE 2019: Marking Scheme
Exam Section
Total Questions Asked
Marks for each correct answer
Marks for each incorrect answer
Reasoning and Logical Deduction
+4 mark for each correct answer
-1 marks cut for each wrong answer
Numerical Ability and Analytical Aptitude   
 +4 mark for each correct answer
-1 marks cut for each wrong answer
General Knowledge and Current Affairs
+4 mark for each correct answer
-1 marks cut for each wrong answer
Aptitude for Service Sector
+4 mark for each correct answer
-1 marks cut for each wrong answer
English Language
+4 mark for each correct answer
-1 marks cut for each wrong answer
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Section-wise NCHM JEE 2019 Exam Analysis
As compared to previous year’s examinations, Numerical Ability and Analytical Aptitude have been the difficult section of all until now. Besides, the general knowledge section was easy, but the questions were asked in a tricky manner that it confused students. English language and Reasoning and logical and Aptitude for Service Sector were easier than the other two sections.
NCHM JEE 2019 Exam Section
NCHM JEE 2019 Exam Difficulty Level
Numerical Ability and Analytical Aptitude
Moderate to Difficult
Reasoning and Logical Deduction
Aptitude for Service Sector
English Language
General Knowledge and Current Affairs
Easy to Moderate
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Numerical Ability and Analytical Aptitude
In this section, the questions asked were basic questions of 9th and 10th level. Other topics that were covered in the NCHM JEE 2019 were Time and Work, Chain Rule, Age, and Work and Wages. The questions were tricky and contained calculations which consumed much of the time.
Reasoning and Logical Deduction
Reasoning and Logical Deduction section were easier than other sections. The questions were a little tricky to catch, but by applying simple logic, the questions were easily solved. The topics from which the questions were asked are –Number Series, Statement and Assumptions, Blood Relations, and Verbal Reasoning.
General Knowledge and Current Affairs
The difficulty level of this section was from moderate to easy, as the questions were tricky. Most of the questions asked were from Static G.K, which covered topics like history and science. Current affair related questions were less in number. However, a few general questions were asked that tricked students mind upon thinking too much for those questions.
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English Language
The section was the easiest to crack. The questions asked were based on general grammar topics like Prepositions, Antonyms, and Conjunctions. The section also contained unseen passages, which were easy.
Aptitude for Service Sector
The section tested student’s knowledge about the hotel and hospitality industry and their services. This has been the easiest section of all in the examination. The questions were situation-based, and no answers were right or wrong. The candidates have to justify their answers. Also, the section had graded marking; therefore, candidates have to think a bit of understanding the situation and answer.
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