NPAT Preparation Books

The Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies holds a big name for education in business management and business studies sector. The few prestigious campuses of Narsee Monjee are situated in some prime cities: Mumbai, Dhule, Hyderabad, Shirpur, Bengaluru, Indore, Chandigarh and Navi Mumbai. Competition among the students for more than 1k seats in NMIMS is quite high, and the preparation for the same needs to be of top quality.
For the same purposes, the NPAT aspirants will need some all-encompassing NPAT preparation books of perfect quality. This article gives you relevant information on some of the great books you will need to qualifyfor the NPAT exam.
Have a look at the topics that form the different sections for NPAT entrance.
Section Detail
No. of Questions
Quantitative and Numerical Ability
Reasoning and General Intelligence
Proficiency in English Language
Check the various sections of NPAT and the topics under those sections which form the NMIMS NPAT entrance test:-
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1. Take a look at the Quantitative & Numerical Ability topics which constitute the NPAT exam:-
  1. Number System: Fractions, Surds and Decimals and number Series
  2. Arithmetic: Percentages, Profit and loss, discount, compound interest & annuities, ratio and proportion, time, work & distance, 2D & 3D figures- areas & volumes
  3. Algebra: Basic algebraic identities, equations-linear & quadratic sequence and series (AP, GP)
  4. Sets and Functions: Sets, operation on-sets and their applications using Venn Diagrams, functions
  5. Elementary statistics & probability: mean, mode and median, measures of dispersion
  6. Trigonometry: trigonometric rations, identities, heights & distances
The quality preparation books for NPAT Quantitative & Numerical Ability are:-
  • Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations by R. S. Aggarwal
  • Magical Book on Quicker Maths by Tyra
  • Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations by AbhijitGuha 
  • Ramesh Logical and Analytical - R Gupta
2. Take a look at the Reasoning & General Intelligence topics that constitute the NPAT exam:-
  1. Critical Thinking: Decision making (taking into cognizance various rules & conditions and take decisions based upon those roles & conditions) Problem solving (to analyze the given information and condense all the information in a suitable form and answer the questions asked)
  2. Verbal-logical reasoning: Deriving conclusions from logical premises or assess the validity of arguments based on the statement of the facts.
  3. Data sufficiency: Judge whether the information given is sufficient to answer the question or whether additional information is required.
  4. Numerical Reasoning: Venn Diagram (identify the class-sub class relationship within a given group of items and illustrate it diagrammatically) Mathematical Equalities.
  5. Data Interpretation: To be able to use the information given in graphs and charts to answer questions
  6. Spatial Reasoning: Figure analogy (Choosing a figure from the alternatives that match with the relationship specified by the given figural pair), figure matching/classification (notice a common quality in figures to be able to match them or find the odd one out),  Figure Series (to discover pattern information of figures in a sequence to be able to complete the series/identify the missing figures.
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The quality preparation books for Reasoning & General Intelligence are:-
  • Model Approach to Logical Reasoning by R. S. Aggarwal
  • Analytical Reasoning by M. K. Pandey
  • A New Approach to Reasoning Verbal and Non-verbal by BS Sijwalii and InduSijwalii
3. Take a look at the Proficiency in English Language topics that constitute the NPAT exam:-
  1. Error Recognition: Recognizing grammatical structure and usage.
  2. Applied Grammar: Using prepositions, determiners, connectives, tenses appropriately.
  3. Vocabulary: Grasping the meaning of underlined words in sentences
  4. Contextual Usage: Using appropriate words in a given context
  5. Sequencing of Ideas: Putting ideas into logical sequences by putting jumbled sentences in the correct order
  6. Reading Comprehension (Passages of 400-500 words with five questions per passage): Locating information, grasping ideas, identifying and interpreting relationships and ideas, moods, characteristics of characters, tone of the passage, inferring, getting the central theme, evaluating
Flame Uni.
The quality preparation books for Proficiency in the English Language are:-
  • Word Power Made Easy By Norman Lewis
  • Objective General English 01 Edition By R. S. Aggarwal
  • Proficiency in Reading Simplifying the Passage for you by Ajay Singh
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