In Conversation with the Chairperson of IIM Jammu and IIM Bodh Gaya

Ques. 1 What is the long-term vision of IIM Bodhgaya & IIM Jammu that an aspirant should be aware of?
  1. IIM Bodh Gaya and IIM Jammu are the two most renowned institutions in the state. It's natural that only the brightest students get into IIM, given the excellent quality of education and tough admission standards. This means you will have the opportunity to collaborate with some of the country's brightest minds. This is a significant advantage of attending one of the IIMs.
  2. IIM Bodh Gaya's vision is to be a globally recognized management school for developing socially responsible and mindful business leaders and IIIM Jammu's vision is to develop leaders and entrepreneurs who can perform globally to make a valuable difference to Society and the Corporate world.
Ques. 2 What kind of students are you looking for to admit to your Institution?
  1. The admissions are merit-based; hence good scores should be a priority for the students. But IIMs also look for:
  2. Self-Awareness: Do you have a good understanding of yourself? This brings out the person's varied qualities.
    General Awareness: It is regarded as necessary to be aware of all changes and events taking place around the globe. This indicates that you have a strong desire to learn.
    Academic Awareness: If a person is good at what he has studied in the past, it gives the interviewer more confidence that he would do well in the interview.
    Critical Thinking: Interviewers will constantly try to put you in a difficult scenario to test your critical thinking. They observe your methods and ideals. It doesn't matter if you obtain the correct answer. There's a lot more to it than that.
    Why MBA?: When dealing with such queries, the best option is to give an honest answer that is impacted by your past. You're halfway there if an interviewer believes you have the necessary passion.
Ques. 3 How has the ongoing pandemic impacted your curriculum?
  1. The pandemic was not an easy time to pass through. We all had a tough time during this phase of our lives.
  2. The pandemic did bring uncertainties with it but we adapted ourselves to the digital media and successfully managed to run the curriculum on the online platform without any hindrances.
Ques. 4 What are the suggestions that you would like to give to the students specifically at an uncertain time like this?
  1. The most important suggestion in these times is to follow all the Covid precautionary guidelines and also to get vaccinated. If the health is fine, one performs the best. Our physical and mental health should always be a priority.
  2. The other suggestion remains to be focused and stay dedicated to your goals and you shall reach them no matter how harsh the times get. Never quit!
Ques. 5 Please share your thoughts on student’s activities in these IIMs and how they give overall exposure to participants?
  1. We believe academics and co-curricular activities both build the character and personality of a person. We give enough time and space to the student to realise and live the passion.
  2. IIM Bodh Gaya is a student-driven college and holds a number of committees and clubs which give real-time exposure to students and train them on a corporate level. This helps them groom themselves into responsible and cooperative managers.
Ques. 6 What are the parameters which will be considered in a student’s selection. How should a student build his/ her profile to get an admission offer?
  1. The criteria for selection in IPM at IIM Bodh Gaya is merit-based. The weightage for scores of class 10th is 15%, for 12th is 15% and for JIPMAT it is 70%.
Ques. 7 Kindly throw some light on Infrastructure and other facilities available at IIM Bodhgaya & IIM Jammu.
  1. IIM Bodh Gaya is the first IIM of the third generation to have its own integrated campus. Separate academic and administrative blocks, as well as offices for the Placement Committee, IR Committee, and Media and PR cell, have been built, and the campus is environmentally friendly.
  2. IIM Bodh Gaya campus is surrounded by a beautiful and pollution-free atmosphere.  We have facilities to play various games and sports like Badminton, Volleyball, Basketball, Chess, etc. The hostels have all the in-house amenities that students need.
Ques. 8 What do you see as your Institute's greatest strengths and what will help in keeping them stand out from the crowd?
  1. The name IIM Bodh Gaya per se says volumes about itself. The constantly motivating faculties and the determinant students are what makes our Institute stand out, because of which despite being a baby IIM, we could successfully place our students in brands like McKinsey and Morgan Stanley along with many other big brands.
Ques. 9 What is the Industry and Institutional connect that have been planned to ensure maximum exposure to the students?
  1. IIM’s always in connection with industry and will have live projects, mentoring, summer internship, industry talks etc.
Ques. 10 Any Glimpse on the Scholarships and Fee structure?
  1. We do provide scholarships to deserving candidates. We believe in motivating and encouraging them to do better. Both the campus provides Need-Based Finical assistance, as well as all kinds of scholarship provided by the central and state government.
Ques. 11 On a lighter note, If as a student I managed to convert both the Institutions, which you think I should opt for.
  1. If you get the call letter from both the institutes, then it is completely upon your decision of choosing among either of the Institute. Both these institutions are considered to be the topmost institutions and provide quality education.
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