BBA- Global Marketing & Event Management Blog

In Present pandemic scenario when many educational institutions are closed down and students are idly sitting at home worrying about their future, MIT School of Management (UG) just closed down the campus. thereby opening the doors of E-learning to its Students.
Yes, now educational institutes are coping up with the change when they are handling the future of students. No wonder MITWPU is setting a great example by changing the definition of classroom learning. When colleges were shutting down MITWPU SOM (UG) was working on strategies for E-classrooms so that student need not compromise on education and should successfully complete their trimester by Scoring Commendable Grades.
From 2017 itself MIT WPU SOM (UG) started digitization of their systems from attendance to notes, &from assignments to online tests, everywhere they are using technology. MITWPU SOM (UG) changed the term classroom learning to smart room learning. All the classrooms are equipped with new technology that is smart board which helps students to learn Smartly.
Even during this lockdown, students are enhancing their knowledge by attending webinar, panel discussions of top-notchcompany experts and distinctive lecture series organised by the Department.
When smart learning happens in the classroom specifically, the department of BBA- Global Marketing & Event Management focuses on skill development of students through the experiential learning by sending students to industry or organising industrial workshops on campus. The Department of BBA-Global Marketing &Event Management makes sure to empower students with top notch technology and skills so that whenever students enter into the market, they will be ready for any changing scenario and challenges.
Today the department of BBA-Global Marketing &Event Management provides practical exposure of events to students from First Year itself. Students of this department participate and organise various events, which results in Self-Development.
The Faculties provide projects to the students on the topics that gives the students’ knowledge of Business Administration with the Focus on Global Marketing & Event Management by teaching those courses like Brand Management, Public Relation, Business Law, Event Planning and Management, Marketing, Financial Accounting, Event Coordination, Media Law and many courses which makes students competitive.
Nowadays the event industry is using various technologies for organizing successful events, BBA- Global Marketing &Event Management of MITWPU gives that exposure on campus only. This department gives freedom to students to unleash their creativity and nurtures their creative& innovative mind.
How to convert a simple idea into the concept and that concept into aBrand / Event one should learn from the student ofBBA –Global Marketing & Event Management. 
The current lockdown failed to withheld or slow down this department and its students. It however, changed theirnotion of classroom seminars into the webinars.
Where most of the colleges and institutes focused on course completion, the department of BBA- Global Marketing &Event Management focuses on overall development of students. They develop and nurture creativity within students. The Program of BBA-Global Marketing & Event Management extends, the scope of skill development by giving them the pool of opportunities these opportunities they give through industry Tie-ups, National Immersion Program, projects, 3 months full time Internship, Rural Immersion, International Immersion and many other value-added programs by which students can get the extra top-notch knowledge to compete with the students of any discipline in the Market.
The students are not only studying Event Management but also major in Marketing along with dual specialisation in a traditional subjects like Finance Management or Human Resource Management as well as minor specialisation in Sports Management or Travel and Tourism.
Rapid globalisation and the advancement of technology has created ‘Born Global’ organisations. From the moment businesses are established, they realise the importance of adopting a global focus and dedicate time and resources to expanding internationally.
The program BBA - Global Marketing & Event Management will give students a clearer understanding of global marketing as well as the challenges and benefits for firms entering new markets. Students will examine the need for organisations to go global and how digital marketing technologies have accelerated this process. This Program will also enable students to reflect on own experiences of global marketing.
Event management is a rapidly growing industry with over 25,000 event businesses and over a million people employed in the organised and unorganised sector of Event Management.  The event industry has at least or more than one percent of total GDP of Indian service sector. So the students studying BBA- Global Marketing & Event Management, have a wider career options they can become an entrepreneur or they can take up a job in the private or government sector. They can work in marketing and branding for any company or product, exhibitions, political campaign, summit, sporting events, conferences, wedding ceremonies, concerts, fundraisers and charity, fashion show, marketing campaign, and so on. The scope for potential career options get wider with ever growing industry.
Come Join BBA- Global Marketing & Event Management, at MITWPU,
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