PU LLB Syllabus

Knowing the syllabus for any exam is crucial as it is the first thing that an aspirant preparing for the entrance exam will be doing. Similarly the aspirants who aspire to clear the PU­ LLB entrance exam will be seeking for its syllabus.
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This article will familiarize you with the topics that are covered in the PU LLB entrance exam. When the aspirants know about the PU LLB entrance syllabus, they will be capable to figure how right is their direction of preparing for the three year LLB course from Panjab University. Upon knowing the PU LLB syllabus, it may also lift the confidence of an aspirant as they will know how much they need to work for and how many topics they have a upper hand on.
Given below are the topics of syllabus and the details of the marks division for each section.
Number of questions
Current affairs and general knowledge
Legal aptitude
Reasoning ability and knowledge for English 
PU LLB Syllabus topics in details
General Knowledge and Current Affairs- The general knowledge and current affairs for PU LLB entrance cover the topics which make the daily news discussion. Apart from these, the topics from which the questions appear in the general knowledge section are, Geography, Ancient, Medieval, and Modern History, Civics, General Science, Economics.
Knowledge of English and Reasoning Ability- In this section the English efficiency of students are tested on the bases of error spotting, fill in the blanks, common errors, spotting errors, incorrect usage of words, rearrangement of sentences, improvement of sentences, one word substitution, idioms and phrases, reading comprehension and passages. Among all these the PU LLB exam aspirants will also be tested on their ability of reasoning.
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Legal Aptitude- Even having the knowledge of legal terms and law will be a criterion of assessing the PU LLB aspirants in the law entrance exam.
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