MH-CET Law 2023 Exam Analysis

Maharashtra Common Entrance Test for Law (MH-CET) 2023 is a state-level Law entrance test conducted by the Directorate of Higher Education for admissions to undergraduate law programmes in law colleges in Maharashtra. The examination is conducted in the online mode, and the medium of language is English and Marathi. The exam is divided into five sections and comprises of topics to test your legal ability.
For a better understanding of the examination, have an overview of the exam pattern.
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MH-CET Law 2023 Exam Pattern
Legal Aptitude and Legal Reasoning
General Knowledge with Current Affairs
Logical and Analytical Reasoning
Mathematical Aptitude
MH-CET Law 2023 Exam Analysis
The MH-CET Law 2023 exam has five sections that test your ability to be a law student. A candidate has to be thorough with the concepts as the exam paper difficulty level is moderate to difficult based on questions. Therefore, a section-wise analysis will be a great help to you.
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Section-wise Analysis of MH-CET Law 2023
Legal Aptitude and Reasoning
The difficulty level of this section can be easy-moderate based on the types of questions asked. The section tests a candidate’s ability and knowledge of Law and constitution. The paper usually comprises questions from varied topics like Criminal Law, Partnership Act, Contract Law etc. The paper is mostly dominated by questions from Partnership and Contract Act. However, the other questions are from other topics aboutLaw only. Candidates must be thorough with Legal GK and Legal Maxim. Though these were not asked in the previous year’s paper, conducting body can put the same back for MH-CET Law 2023.
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General Knowledge with Current Affair
The section is quite easy to crack only if you keep yourself updated with the latest happening in the world. The section is mostly dominated by current affairs, whereas there are fewer questions based on Static GK. To ace this section, make it a habit to read the newspaper regularly and be updated with the latest news.
Logical and Analytical Reasoning
As compared with the previous year’s paper, you have to prepare a lot for this section as the difficulty level was tough. The questions asked in the exam were based on directions, syllogisms, blood relations, number series arrangement, and inequalities. The section contained questions from both verbal and logical reasoning. The section is said to be difficult because of questions from mathematical inequality.
The section has always been the easiest, only if you prepared well. Yet, the questions asked in this section are understandable and direct. A candidate who has a reading habit and has practised all the concepts can ace this section with ease. The section contains questions from topics like –vocabulary, Para-jumble words, phrase replacement etc.  Also, comprehension passages are easy to solve and are not lengthy.
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Basic Mathematics
The shortest and one with a moderate level of difficulty, this section has all that you studied in the school. The questions are based on topics like Speed & Distance, Data Sufficiency, Simple Interest, Compound Interest and Profit and Loss etc. All you need to do is practice more and more to be thorough with the basic concepts and formulas.
An in-depth analysis of MH-CET Law 2023 done by our industry experts will be available on the page by the evening of examination, i.e. on 20th April 2023.
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