CLAT 2026 Exam : Eligibility, Syllabus, Registration, Exam Pattern, Exam Date

Candidates who are interested in appearing for CLAT UG 2026 are advised to apply on or before the last date. The official notification for CLAT 2026 is expected to be released by the Consortium in due course of time. Along with the notification the CLAT 2026 exam date and application process dates will also be announced. Read further to stay updated on the latest news and updates related to CLAT 2026 eligibility criteria, registration process for CLAT 2026 syllabus, exam pattern for, preparation tips for CLAT 2026, and other important details.
What is CLAT?
Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) is a competitive national-level entrance exam which is conducted by the Consortium of National Law Universities (NLUs). The exam is taken by students who seek admission to undergraduate (UG) Law programs from premier law colleges. The CLAT exam date for 2026 has not been announced yet but it is expected to be conducted in the month of December. The CLAT 2026 application process will start from July and the online applications can be accessed on the official website
The Consortium will announce the CLAT 2026 notifications. Upon release of the notification, the CLAT exam date and application process dates will also be available. The application fee for CLAT 2026 will be INR 4,000 for general category candidates and INR 3,500 for SC, ST and BPL category candidates.
The exam is conducted in the offline, in pen and paper format. The candidates are required to attempt questions from various subjects such as English Language
Current Affairs, including General Knowledge, Legal Reasoning, Logical Reasoning
and Quantitative Techniques for the undergraduate course. 
CLAT Highlights
Each year, certain important aspects of the CLAT exam such as the exam mode, pattern, syllabus and marking scheme remain the same. To get a better understanding of CLAT 2026, you can refer to the table below which provides details of important dates for the exam.
Exam Conducting Body
Consortium of National Law Universities (NLUs)
Frequency of Conduct
Once a year
CLAT 2026 Exam Date
To be announced
Exam Level
National-level exam
Exam Purpose
CLAT is conducted for:
  • Admission to UG and offered at the participating NLUs
  • Admissions to Private and self-financed colleges
  • PSUs recruitment for legal positions
Application Fee
INR 4,000 for General/ OBC category, INR 3500 for all other reserved categories
Mode of Exam
Pen-and-paper mode
Question Paper Language
English (expected to be held in vernacular/ regional languages too)
Duration of the exam
2 hours
Number of Seats
UG program - more than 3,000 seats
Official website
CLAT Scholarship
CLAT 2026 Exam Dates 
CLAT 2026 Application process begins
To be announced
Last date of CLAT 2026 Application Process
To be announced
CLAT 2026 Application Correction Window
To be announced
CLAT 2026 Admit cards
To be announced
CLAT 2026 exam day
To be announced
Official CLAT 2026 answer key
To be announced
Release of final CLAT 2026 answer key
To be announced
Declaration of CLAT 2026 Result
December 2026 or January 2027
CLAT 2026 Eligibility Criteria
Candidates must check CLAT 2026 Eligibility Criteria prior to filling out the application. Eligibility for UG courses is provided below:
  • Candidates belonging to General / OBC / PWD / NRI / PIO / OCI categories must secure a minimum of 45% marks or an equivalent grade in their qualifying examination (i.e., 10+2 or an equivalent examination).
  • Candidates belonging to SC/ST categories must secure a minimum of 40% marks or an equivalent grade in their qualifying examination.
  • Candidates who are appearing for their qualifying examination in March/April 2026 are also eligible to appear for CLAT 2026 examination. However they must provide evidence of their passing the qualifying examination at the time of admission, failing which they will not be considered for admission.
CLAT Online Coaching
Crack your desired NLU with Hitbullseye's CLAT-Law Online Classroom
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CLAT 2026 Exam Pattern
Candidates preparing for CLAT 2026 must adhere to the prescribed syllabus and CLAT 2026 Exam Pattern
CLAT Exam Pattern 2026 - Key Features
Candidates can check the CLAT Exam Pattern below:
Test Highlights
Test Conducting Body
The Consortium of National Law Universities
Test Format
MCQ style questions
Total Questions
120 multiple-choice questions carrying 1 mark each
Number of questions
Duration of the exam
2 hours
Marking Scheme
+1 mark to be awarded for every correct answer; 0.25 marks will be deducted for an incorrect answer. 4 incorrect answers mean -1 mark.
Test Sections
  1. English Language
  2. Current Affairs, including General Knowledge
  3. Legal Reasoning
  4. Logical Reasoning
  5. Quantitative Techniques
Exam Mode
Offline mode
Official Website
CLAT 2026 Syllabus
English Language
In the English section of the CLAT-UG 2026 exam, you will come across passages of approximately 450 words each. These passages will be taken from contemporary or historically significant works of fiction and non-fiction writing. The level of difficulty would be appropriate for a 12th standard student and one should be able to read each passage in about 5-7 minutes.
Each passage will be followed by a series of questions that will require you to demonstrate your comprehension and language skills including your abilities to:
  • Read and comprehend the main point discussed in the passage as well as any arguments and viewpoints discussed or set out in the passage
  • Draw inferences and conclusions based on the passage
  • Summarise the passage
  • Compare and contrast the different arguments or viewpoints set out in the passage
  • Understand the meaning of various words and phrases in the context that they are used in the passage
Current Affairs Including General Knowledge
In this section, you will be provided passages of up to 450 words each. The passages will be derived from news, journalistic sources and other non-fiction writing. Each passage will be followed by a series of questions that will require you to demonstrate your awareness of various aspects of current affairs and general knowledge including:
  • Contemporary events of significance from India and the world
  • Arts and culture
  • International affairs
  • Historical events of continuing significance
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Legal Reasoning
In this section, you will be expected to read passages of around 450 words each. The passages may relate to fact situations or scenarios involving legal matters, public policy questions or moral philosophical enquiries. You will not require any prior knowledge of Law to attempt the questions in this section. You will benefit from a General Awareness of contemporary legal and moral issues. Each passage will be followed by a series of questions that will require you to:
  • Identify and infer the rules and principles set out in the passage;
  • Apply such rules and principles to various fact situations; and
  • Understand how changes to the rules or principles may alter their application to various fact situations.
Logical Reasoning
Logical Reasoning section of the CLAT-UG 2026 will include a series of short passages of about 450 words each. Each passage will be followed by one or more questions that will require you to:
  • Recognise an argument, its premises and conclusions;
  • Read and identify the arguments set out in the passage;
  • Critically analyse patterns of reasoning and assess how conclusions may depend on particular premises or evidence and how conclusions may be strengthened or weakened as a consequence of an alteration in premises or supporting facts;
  • Infer what follows from the passage and apply these inferences to new situations;
  • Draw relationships and analogies, identify contradictions and equivalence and assess the effectiveness of arguments.
Quantitative Techniques
Quantitative Techniques section of the CLAT-UG 2026 will include short sets of facts or propositions, or other textual representations of numerical information, followed by a series of questions. You will be required to derive information from the passages or questions and apply mathematical operations on such information.
The questions will require you to:
  • Derive, infer and manipulate numerical information set out in such passages; and
  • Apply various 10th standard mathematical operations on such information, including from areas such as ratios and proportions, basic algebra, mensuration and statistical estimation.
  • Level of Math asked in the exam is that of Class XII level.
CLAT Syllabus 2026 : Subjects & Weightage
The CLAT 2026 exam question paper will allocate different weightage to each subject. Candidates must refer to the table below:
Weightage (%)
Current Affairs, including General Knowledge
35 - 39
23.33 - 26
Quantitative Techniques
13 - 17
8.66 - 11.33
Legal Reasoning
35 - 39
23.33 - 26
English Language
28 - 32
18.66 - 21.33
Logical Reasoning
28 - 32
18.66 - 21.33
CLAT 2026 Study Material
CLAT is the most prestigious exam for aspirants who aim to pursue their studies in Law and become a legal representative. However, as a Law aspirant, you need to ace CLAT first to secure a seat in the most prestigious National Law Universities across India. To help you prepare for the exam, Hitbullseye has come up with perfect preparation material.
For more information you can refer to CLAT 2026 Study Material
CLAT Masterclass
CLAT 2026 Mock Test
CLAT Mock Test 2026 is a highly effective method for efficient exam preparation. The examination authority provides a set of well-crafted mock tests that closely mirror CLAT papers. Mock tests are essential for candidates as they provide them with the necessary skills and confidence needed to succeed in competitive exams. By giving priority to the completion of mock tests applicants can ensure comprehensive preparedness and familiarity with the exam format, enabling them to perform optimally on an important day.
For more details candidates can refer to CLAT 2026 Mock Test
CLAT 2026 Application Process
  • Please note that CLAT 2026 application forms will be available online at, once released. 
  • To begin the application process, candidates must first register themselves by creating a login account using either an email ID or a personal mobile number. 
  • It is essential that candidates fill out the application form carefully. Spelling of the student's name and other relevant details must be filled with due care. Any changes found may result in disqualification. 
  • Moreover, candidates must submit their applications before the deadline. Applications received after the last date will not be considered. 
  • Candidates must fill in their preference order for all participating NLUs at the time of application only. Note that subsequent changes in the preference order shall not be allowed. 
  • Finally, candidates must upload self-attested scanned copies of the relevant certificates at suitable places in the online application form. No hard copy of the filled-in online application form or other supporting documents needs to be sent to the CLAT office.
CLAT 2026 Admit Card
Consortium of NLUs will release CLAT admit card atleast 15 days prior to the exam date. To download their admit card, candidates must visit the official website of the Consortium of NLUs at They will need to enter their registration number/application number and date of birth to access the CLAT 2026 admit cards. Candidates should also ensure that their application form is updated and correct in terms of the exam centre before downloading the admit card for CLAT 2026 .
How to Download CLAT Admit Card 2026 ?
Candidates who have registered for CLAT 2026 can download their admit card by following the steps below:
Step 1: Go to the official exam website at
Step 2: Enter your registered mobile number and password in the provided space.
Step 3: Click the Login button.
Step 4: At the top right of the screen, click the Download Admit Card link.
Step 5: Download and save the admit card PDF to your device.
Step 6: For future reference, print out at least three copies of the admit card on an A4 sheet.
CLAT 2026 Answer Key
The Consortium of NLUs will release answer key for CLAT on its official website - - within a few hours of the exam's completion. After downloading the answer key, candidates can compare their answers to the official key. If there are any discrepancies, the exam authority will allow candidates to raise objections and report the issue.
How to Download CLAT 2026 Answer Key?
Candidates who have appeared for CLAT 2026 exam can download the answer key and question paper PDF by following the simple steps given below:
Step 1: Go to the official website of CLAT Consortium -
Step 2: Look for the CLAT answer key link on the website's homepage and click on it.
Step 3: View, download and save the CLAT 2026 answer key and question paper PDF.
The link to download the CLAT 2026 answer key will be provided on the official website.
CLAT 2026 Result
The Consortium of NLUs will release the CLAT 2026 result. After the exam the Consortium will announce the CLAT 2026 result within a month. Candidates should note that the result will be based on the final answer key which is released after reviewing candidate objections. The result will show the qualifying status of all test-takers and will be available on the official website - Candidates can also download their score card by logging in.
How to Check CLAT 2026 Result?
Candidates can download the CLAT result 2026 following the steps mentioned below:
To check your CLAT 2026 results, please follow the steps below:
1. Click on the result link provided above.
2. A login window will appear.
3. Enter your CLAT 2026 application number or admit card number along with your date of birth
4. Once you have successfully logged in your results will be displayed on the screen
5. Download and take a printout of your CLAT 2026 scorecard for future reference
CLAT 2026 Cutoff
The Consortium of National Law Universities (NLUs) will release the CLAT 2026 cutoff marks for all participating institutions after each round of counseling. Furthermore CLAT cutoff marks will be released for each category including Open, PwD, SC, ST and OBC. The CLAT cutoff is the minimum score or rank that a candidate needs to obtain to be offered admission. Those who score below the cutoff marks or ranks may not be able to secure admission to their preferred Law colleges.
CLAT 2026 Counselling
The counselling process for CLAT will be conducted online on the official website of the Consortium of NLUs, i.e., Candidates who get shortlisted for CLAT admission 2026 will be required to exercise their options to accept, revise or withdraw from the seat allotment process before the last date. Those who accept or apply for seat upgrades will be required to pay a confirmation fee to hold the seat. The admission process for CLAT 2026 is expected to conclude with five rounds of the counselling process if the trends of the past years are followed.
CLAT 2026 Previous Year Question Paper
CLAT previous year question papers help CLAT candidates by giving them insight into the kind of questions and the nature of the examination. In addition, these past year question papers help the candidate in effectively managing their time. These tests can be downloaded from the website.
For more details candidates can refer to CLAT Previous Year Question Papers
Section-Wise CLAT Preparation Tips
English Section - The questions in this section are on par with the difficulty level of Class 12 English. The key topics covered in this section are Vocabulary, Antonyms/Synonyms, Reading Comprehension, Grammar and Idioms and Phrases. It is recommended to cultivate a habit of reading the editorial section of esteemed newspapers. To master grammar, it is advised to practice grammar questions daily and thoroughly understand the basics.
Current Affairs including GK - It is advised to stay updated with the latest news and events by regularly reading newspapers and magazines. It is important to keep track of all the significant legal judgments. While preparing for General Knowledge, one should focus more on History and Art & Culture subjects.
Legal Reasoning - To improve your reading and analytical skills related to legal issues, you can read newspapers and blogs that cover both current events and static topics. Another way to gain knowledge is by reading columns from renowned Lawyers in India that are published in newspapers and magazines. 
Logical Reasoning - There are a few important topics that you should prepare for in the Logical Reasoning section, which include Relationships, Analogies, Logical Sequences, and Arguments. To solve Logical Reasoning questions quickly, it is beneficial to learn some shortcuts. When attempting the passage, it is recommended to first identify the premises and sets of arguments. 
Quantitative Techniques - To perform well in this section, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of all the topics covered in the Class 12 Math syllabus since the difficulty level of questions in this section is equivalent to that of Class 10 Math. Some of the key topics that one should focus on while preparing for this section are Basic Algebra, Ratios and Proportions, Mensuration and Statistics.
FAQs Regarding CLAT Exam
Who can take CLAT UG 2026 ?
If you finished your 12th grade with at least 45% marks, you can apply for CLAT UG 2026 !
Can candidates living abroad (NRIs) take CLAT 2026 ?
Yes!  candidates living abroad (NRIs) can take CLAT 2026. There's even a special NRI category you can choose on the application form.
Is there an age limit for CLAT 2026 ?
No There's no age limit to take CLAT 2026 .
Where can I go to school if I do well on CLAT 2026?
There are 24 National Law schools in India that only look at CLAT scores to decide who gets in. Many other Law schools also use CLAT scores!
Can I apply for CLAT by mail or in person?
No, you can only apply for CLAT online. There's no mail-in or in-person option.
How much does it cost to apply for CLAT 2026 ?
The application fee depends on which category you belong to. 
What do I need to submit with my CLAT application?
You'll need a recent passport photo, a scan of your signature, and a document showing where you live (domicile certificate).
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