Tips to Crack Symbiosis Law Admission Test

The SLAT entrance exam tests the candidate on the subject areas of Logical Reasoning, Legal Reasoning, Analytical Reasoning, Reading Comprehension and General Knowledge. This article comprehensively sets out tips to crack SET law for each of the section separately to ensure an efficient attempt as well as a cutting edge score. This article will also give you clarity about the areas from which questions are frequently asked.
Let us look at each of section individually:
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1)Tips to ace SLAT Analytical Reasoning:
  • Clear your basics: Most of the questions that are asked in the analytical section of SLAT are elementary in nature. Hence, your foremost task should be to clear the fundamentals of all the aforementioned topics.
  • Maintain Speed and Accuracy: Both these elements go hand in hand as it is essential to get the correct solutions to questions without compromising on the time limit. The speed and accuracy balance will be easier to maintain if you focus on clearing the basics.
  • Practice: Consistent practice will ensure a good performance in this section.
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2)Tips to ace SLAT Reading Comprehension:
The reading comprehension section usually consists of 5 short passages with a set of 5 questions in each one. Attempting reading comprehension based questions can be slightly challenging, however the SET law tips mentioned below will simplify their attempt:
  • Time Management: The correct approach would be to attempt each Reading Comprehension passage within 6-7 minutes.
  • Accuracy: Time management can be carried out effectively only when you are familiar with the several question types asked in a reading comprehension passage. The questions usually asked are fact based, main idea based, title based, inference based, tone based or context based questions.
  • Familiarity with the Topic: Always try attempting the passages you are familiar with first, followed by the less familiar ones. Mostly the passages have a legal or social context hence newspaper reading will help you in getting a better clarity about the context of such passages.
  • Increase Reading Speed: Read the passage in your mind instead of reading it out loud. This saves time as well as increases concentration and accuracy. Do not jump back a few words every now and then to re-read them. Read a group of words in one go instead of word by word.
3)Tips to ace SLAT General Knowledge:
This section turns out to be a challenging one mainly due to the vast syllabus and the consequent unfamiliarity. This section consists of questions from static as well as current general knowledge. A time period of more 10-12 minutes should not be invested on this section. Therefore the SET law preparation tips for this section is that it should be attempted in three cycles:
  • Cycle 1: Identify the easy questions and attempt their answers. Identify and mark those questions which you feel can be attempted after giving a little more thought to them. Lastly, identify the questions that you will not be able to attempt at all, which should be left untouched at that point.
  • Cycle 2: At this point those questions should be attempted in which at least two options can be eliminated.
  • Cycle 3:Since SLAT Entrance Exam does not have negative marking, in the last cycle try to attempt the maximum number of questions from the ones that have been left untouched.
 4)SLAT Legal Reasoning:
This section aims to test your legal aptitude rather than legal knowledge. Since you do not have a prior exposure to this section, it becomes pertinent to understand not only the syllabus of this section but also the tips that will make your attempt more scoring. This section consists of principle-fact questions, legal fact based questions and legal general knowledge based questions
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  • Principle-fact questions: In order to solve these questions always remember the thumb rule that the principle is always right. Therefore you should understand the principle really well before its application to the factual situation given in the question. Always go for the option which is contextually closest to the given principle, in case of confusion.
  • Legal fact questions: Identify the important fundamental rights and articles of the Indian Constitution and jot them down in a list. This step will make their learning more convenient. Similarly lists should be made for the important amendment, landmark judgments and recommendations of law commissions. It is essential for you to memorize these lists consistently in order to make an above average attempt in such questions.
  • Legal general knowledge questions: Read a newspaper regularly, like The Hindu. The Indian Express in order to perform well. Newspaper reading will also prove beneficial in giving an edge to your attempt in the General Knowledge section. You should try to stay updated with the current events of the year preceding the month of the exam.
5)Tips to ace SLAT Logical Reasoning
  • Question Types: In this section the questions appear from the following areas: Numeric and alphabetic series, coding and decoding, blood relations, directions, puzzles, arguments, syllogism, vocabulary and alphabet based analogies and critical reasoning, and after that practice these areas well.
  • Speed-Accuracy Balance: You should be able to solve questions in minimum possible time without compromising on accuracy. Taking Mock Tests and solving previous years' papers help a lot in this regard.
  • Strong Fundamentals & Practice: In order to solve the paper effectively and maximize your score, conceptual clarity of all the fundamentals is essential along with consistent practice.
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Key Learnings:
  • Understanding of the fundamentals and practice are the key tips to crack set exam by attempting the logical and analytical sections effectively
  • An increased reading speed will have a direct impact on your score in the reading comprehension section
  • Read newspapers to perform well in the general knowledge section as well as the legal general knowledge questions. It's a great Symbiosis entrance test law tips for clearing the exam.
  • Remember that the principle is always right and should be applied strictly to the given facts in legal reasoning section
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