About The Host

Mr. Anoop Bhalla

Anoop Bhalla is a seasoned teacher who has trained students in Quantitative Ability and Logical Reasoning for over eleven years now. He also holds B.COM and PGDIM degrees.


  • M.Sc. Mathematics from IIT Delhi.
  • Graduation in Mathematics Hons. from St. Stephen’s College, Delhi University.


  • 17+ years of teaching experience
  • Delivers courses on Quant, Higher Mathematics and Logical Reasoning


05:00 PM

Duration: 60 mins

What’s on the discussion table?

The session is targeted at students who have chosen Management as their dream career. Enroll now to get insightful information on tests, colleges and preparation strategy. Mr. Anoop Bhalla is a wizard when it comes to IPM, DUJAT, NPAT & other entrance exams. Interact with him and give a boost to your career prospects.

We also invite parents to join the session and learn about new and exciting career options in Management stream for their wards.

A must watch session for all those teenagers who are confused with these questions.

  • Management Colleges – Career Opportunities, Placements, Further Studies etc
  • Strategic approach to IPM, DUJAT, NPAT & other exams
  • Smart preparation strategy for this life changing entrance test
  • Solve entrance exam questions in a flash with priceless tips & tricks from seasoned expert
  • General Q&A to address your basic understanding of exam, preparation method etc.

Every minute of the session will add weight to your overall score

About Hitbullseye

  • Over 1 Crore

    Annual users across India
  • 10,000+

    Content rich web pages

Having successfully mentored over 2 lakh students in classroom and gained the trust of 1 crore online users (2019-20), we have emerged as the fastest growing portal in learning and EdTech space.

Hitbullseye is known for its innovation in the education industry. Across North India, we are the fastest growing test preparation portal in the Entrance Exam preparation after class 12th. Not only that, we have a slew of online courses available for examinations such as IPM, CLAT, AILET, SET-Law, BBA and Hotel Management Entrance Exams.

At Hitbullseye we believe that digital learning is the future. According to the World Economic Forum, the fourth industrial revolution is upon us and will demand learnability par excellence to land jobs of the future.

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